Showing posts with label CMS affects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CMS affects. Show all posts

Saturday, September 29, 2012

How CMS affects SEO

One real concern many web-site designers have is how a content management system will affect their SEO efforts. In the past, CMS applications often published content with long, complex URLs or created multiple copies, which search engine crawlers, were likely to look down on. Today, however, CMS applications are much more SEO-friendly.

SEO has become a large part of owning any kind of web site. Even individuals now consider how they’re going to get their sites to rank well in search engines, and small or even micro-businesses need more and more technological assistance, including SEO assistance. So CMS companies have listened when customers demanded a management system that plays well with search engines.

Today, most CMS applications are designed to improve your SEO rather than to hinder it. Still, it’s a factor that you should consider as you’re looking for a CMS. Ask very specific questions, like “How does your software or application help with my SEO efforts?” and “What specific elements of your application or software will help to improve my SEO efforts?”

In looking at CMS applications, you should also consider the structure with which it will help you develop your content. Because a CMS is designed to maintain your content in an orderly manner, it can help to solidify your content strategy and your web-site structure.